Saturday, June 24, 2023
Friday, June 23, 2023
I can finally bring him home...
I am now officially "no longer considered contagious!" Just a little congestion left, which I often have due to seasonal allergies and an allergy to house dust anyway. I'm also still building my strength back, but, honestly, if it wasn't "COVID," I wouldn't even be thinking about it.
As it is, I will continue to take things relatively easy - no relapses! Calm, lots of rest, but slowly getting back into the swing...
And, best news of all, Biff can come home tomorrow! Speaking with multiple medical professionals about both his condition and mine, it is safe for my beloved Biff to finally come home again!
We'll be taking things slow and easy as we both get back on track. And it will be a tremendous boost to both our spirits to have him home after more than a month! Crazy.
What a wild four+ weeks. Ready for things to settle down, as we work out the next steps on this strange journey.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
From the man himself...
hello everybody. thanks for staying in touch with this blog . admittedly I don't contribute much other than being sick. add that I can only type with one finger and hopefully you can find mercy.
it has been a long and winding road leading in various ways. but i think I might be back on the right path now. if there is such a thing. first off as all of you know I would never be able to get through this w/out Taylor at my side. I have reached a whole new level of love and appreciation for this beautiful woman . I don't know how anyone could do this w/o a strong support Group of aloving family and friends the kindness and generosity shown has been overwhelming at times . I will be forever grateful.
I'm doing better everyday. I flew through my occupational and physical therapy today. I believe I could manage being at home today EXCEPT for TA having covid. I don't want to even try without her. but I'm really done with the hospital life everything about it pretty much sucks.
sooooo for now I have to be content this too shall pass and I will soon be amongst my family, neighbors and friends celebrating the joys of life.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Some good, some not so good...
Biff is doing much better, thankfully. He'll be doing PT sessions again today.
Unfortunately, I tested positive for COVID again last night. Symptoms are still relatively mild, but they consider me still contagious (and I still feel sick). Have a phone appointment with doc this afternoon... Doing everything I'm supposed to do, resting, hydrating, also sitting up, not laying down all the time. Fatigue is the hardest part. Think cough is getting better actually. And temp has been under 99° all morning so far!
Please send all your healing vibes that I don't end up continuing to test positive, don't have lingering COVID, which happens to some people. Not sure what we'll do if they decide Biff is ready to discharge before I get clear of this... π€π€π€π€π€ππππππ«Άπ«Άπ«Άπ«Ά
Saturday, June 17, 2023
Up and down, up and down...
Our rollercoaster ride continues.
First, he's okay! And I'm doing better every day.
However, he fell yesterday morning and hit his head again. They immediately did another CT scan, which showed a tiny (.9cm) area of concern. They also x-rayed his hip - no fracture or damage (abundance of caution as he had no hip pain at all). But he did have a good bump on his head.
He was cocky. Got up to pee standing by his bed with the urinal, which they were allowing him to do unsupervised, but he couldn't find the urinal, got urgent, and rather than call or just make a mess, he walked the few steps to the bathroom. He got dizzy and fell on his way back to his bed.
A second CT scan a few hours later showed a slight enlargement of that area of concern (1.2cm), so they moved him to the ICU so he could be hooked up to all the monitors and the Neuro team could test him and keep an eye on him overnight.
When I spoke to him this morning he was very groggy and a little confused, which distressed me, although he insisted the doc had told him they were going to move him back to rehab. I couldn't get a call back from the doctor until 12:30pm, which left me in a stressful state of worry all morning.
But the good news is the multiple scans they did during the night, along with the Neuro tests, show everything is stable! They will be moving him back to Rehab this afternoon. Doctor said Biff really didn't get any sleep last night - the scans and testing and all - so it isn't surprising that he was groggy and confused.
He's very angry with himself. "Pride growth before the fall" he keeps saying. Quite literally in this case. Hopefully he has learned the lesson for good this time. He got a little too euphoric with the news about his neck/throat being clear...
I apologize for not sharing news of the fall sooner. I just couldn't bring myself to do it until I knew more about ramifications. Luckily, just a small set back. He tells me they are even planning to do a PT session when he gets back to Rehab.π✌️
Thursday, June 15, 2023
A quickie from a groggy person...
Biff is definitely negative on COVID - hooray!
Also, he was taken to a previously scheduled follow up with the surgery team. They told him they see no signs of any cancer in his neck/throat anymore!!!
Still have to fight off the 3 spots of spread in his lungs but so awesome to get good news on the cancer front.
I'm definitely doing better today. No energy or appetite. Fever still clinging - just took next dose of Ibuprofen - temp check before was 100.3° which is still better than over 101. The achiness all over and the headache basically gone. Last night, even my teeth hurt. π
I've been sleeping on and off - mostly woken up by calls from Biff.π₯° He's feeling much better this afternoon. All clear from surgery team was a real boost!
Probably won't update anymore today unless some major news. Both Biff and I planning to do some more napping!!
Thanks again to everyone for all the love, concern, and support!
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Well, shiiiiiiiittttt...
Some not great news: I tested positive for COVID this morning. Immediately advised Biff, and he immediately advised staff, and they whisked him off to an isolated room in another area of the rehab unit. He has no symptoms, they even went ahead with an abbreviated PT session.
Thankfully, the three people I was with unmasked over the last few days have all tested negative. I had to switch my long-awaited physical for a phone appointment. Paxlovid and other meds to help with my symptoms are being picked up for me by our neighbor.
So, all previous plans are up in the air for now. I am to isolate for 5 days, then if, without meds, my symptoms have improved and fever free for 24 hours, I'll be good to go again.
Just a little tickle in my throat yesterday afternoon and felt like a cold was coming on last night. Took cold medicine to sleep and knock it out. Didn't feel great this morning, but again, more like a cold. But I kept checking my temperature. Kept creeping up. And when it hit 100° I did the test.
After all this time. π€¬
My worst symptoms are the fever and body aches, I plan to sleep once I get the meds. Oh, and a headache is developing. Throat is about the same... Go figure.
Good freaking grief. Although, in a weird way, it's lucky Biff is in the hospital - makes it a lot easier to isolate. But no visits for at least 5 days will be rough.
I'll keep you posted...
Love to all! π
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Yep, a good day...
First sessions of physical therapy and initial occupational therapy evaluation and orientation... Wore him out a bit.
Commented that this PT stuff was going to be harder than he'd thought maybe... But he's doing good.
He also now has a roommate on the other side of the room. He's very quiet, although all the docs and nurses attending him do make the room a bit noisier and busier. But so far so good. Poor guy, Bill, came from a room with four guys crammed in a smaller space than this room - " a nightmare." I introduced myself and talked to him while Biff was using the bathroom (Yes! He used the walker and was supervised to get there but went in on his own and conquered... π). Overheard Bill on the phone later telling whoever that he thinks he's "found paradise!" Poor guy. Hopefully the sharing will be easy for both of them!
A good day! ❤️❤️❤️
Monday, June 12, 2023
How has a week gone by...
I can't believe I haven't updated this blog for a whole week! Seriously, I could have sworn it was only a couple of days...!!!π³
Monday, June 5, 2023
A quiet day update...
At least so far it's relatively quiet.
As for yesterday, he was pretty worn out. He "got up to pee" quite a few times, but I don't think they ever got him doing any walking.
When I arrived, he was trying to nap, which he did on and off during the 4-5 hours I was there. But he also had staff come in to do checks and meds and treatments, "got up to pee" twice (with all the stuff he's attached to, and his physical weakness, it's a production requiring assistance, and he only stands right next to the bed), and he joined the family Zoom for a few minutes (just Mom and me otherwise this time).
And he had dinner before I left. The pureed beef and pureed rice burned - not as bad as in the past but still miserable - meaning he mostly ate the pureed broccoli!!!!π€― And some of the sherbet. Drank his Ensure and water and a couple sips of coffee. They keep the Glucerna going in his feeding tube, too.
He's starting to get tired of being in the hospital, but he rallies on phone calls and with staff he likes. ☺️
Haven't had any news from him yet today. I plan to head in for another visit this afternoon, although my plans for things this morning have gone wonky. Woke up with my back tweaked, so I'm doing the hot/cold thing and forcing myself to stay seated for now. Nothing serious but don't want to push it, end up incapacitated, you know? π€ͺπ
Came across this review for the new season of ITYSL - mentions Biff as a fan-favorite up front, and his new sketch is ranked 10th best of the season:
Click here to see ITYSL review.
Not sure how Biff will feel about mention of the cancer. I'm sure it will be mixed feelings. It is for me.π«€
FYI, his new sketch is at the end of the Episode named "So, Now Every Time I'm About To..." (4th ep but they don't number them). On Netflix.
Hope everyone has a great Monday! ❤️
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Doing better and better, along with some awe and sweetness...

AS OF LAST NIGHT (June 2nd), he is doing pretty well. Still has the feeding tube, but they removed the Foley Catheter and switched back to the Condom Catheter, which requires him to push the urine out - and he is! Avoids need for him to use a urinal or toilet, but he has to "go, when he feels the need," so he exercises that function.
He ate a bit more of his little piles of mush (nothing he hates in this meal) and all of his Ensure. Still got a lot of phlegm, still getting breathing treatments, and suctioning stuff out. And plenty of meds dripping, along with the rinse & spit...
He seemed a bit groggy today but fully coherent.
Oncologist has advised there will be no cancer treatment Monday. He wants Biff to get back in good shape, recovered especially from the mucositis, before another treatment. And they are still waiting for the results from the gene test, which are still a week out.
He'll be staying in the hospital until at least Monday. I've requested guidance on what's available for assistance with home health care in the meantime. And a friend came this morning and helped me with some stuff at home, trying to catch up. I know there was talk of possible physical therapy at some point, and he hasn't walked in over a week now, so he might need to build up some strength for that, along with being fully able to eat and drink and go to the bathroom on his own before discharge... Although it's possible physical therapy was discussed (again, in passing) back when they were still worrying about possible surgery on his head... Even with all my notes, things can feel a little scrambled in my head. They tend to talk fast, and there is so much information, and the days all start to blend, overlap, merge. π
Good news is he is doing better today than yesterday. Hope to keep the momentum going in that direction! He's dozing off now. I'll be heading back home shortly - and back again tomorrow! π❤️
AS OF THIS MORNING, I've spoken to him on the phone (I will be heading down for a visit as soon as I can get it together today). He had a rough night. The Condom Catheter came off, and he wet the bed. There was only one guy available to help get him all cleaned up, so it was a minor ordeal. So, yeah, that sucked.
However, the managing doctor has already visited him this morning, and they have removed the Condom Catheter. No more catheters! They want him to use the urinal, standing, instead. Of course, he has to call for assistance, no doing it on his own yet.
They also want him to get up and move around a little today, again, with assistance. And they expect him to call for assistance getting to the toilet when he needs to, well, let's say "move his bowels." There is a toilet in his room, steps from the bed. But the point is, they are starting to try to get him back on his feet, start building his strength back up!
Thursday night, Biff had agreed to do a quick video for a Raffle set up to push the GoFundMe campaign. The last thing before I left for the night, we shot this to send to Danny - who also set up the GoFundMe campaign in the first place (I couldn't get the video to upload directly for some reason, so clicking link before will bring it up in a separate window):
Click here to view Raffle video
It was awe-inspiring to see Biff dig up the energy and focus to do this short video. I know he misses working, even doing Cameos, and I think this gave him a little taste of that back. And Danny was so happy with it, too!
Then Danny emailed this video (in the middle of the night!) showing the audience response (again, clicking the link will bring up the video in a separate window - I'm out of time to try to figure out why I can't get it in here directly right now):
Click here to view Audience response
Wow. Just, wow.
Love to all y'all. I know both Biff and I are definitely feeling all the love coming our way, and we are grateful beyond words. Thank you all so much for helping us remember we are not alone.
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Whit Blood Cell count is back to normal range...
Rather than wait until tomorrow morning, I'm typing up this post while he watches basketball! NBA finals! He never misses that.
The best news: his White Blood Cell count is back in normal range - it's a 7 as of this morning. This means his healing/recovery should pick up speed. Fingers crossed!
His mouth is feeling much better, although everything still burns some (and the rinse & spit meds still hurt a lot), and there no longer appears to be any blood. He's still pulling mucus from the lungs and suctioning that out, every once in a while, as he feels the need.
They are "feeding" him Glucerna via the feeding tube now, starting with a slow push that will be increased at regular intervals. He doesn't notice it at all. They also put his crushed pill meds in through the feeding tube, rather than him having to swallow them.
The Swallow folks had someone sit with him at lunch, work on good position for small bites of the pureed diet (as he can stand it) and a bottle of Ensure. He was very proud to tell me he'd drunk a whole bottle of the Ensure and eaten a couple of bites each of four of the piles of mush (more on that later).
They have moved him out of the PCU, but only to another room at the front of the unit, so he's still on the same floor with the ICU/PCU, nice and handy if anything goes funky. They moved him in his fancy, hi-tech bed, along with his drip feeds stand and his monitoring machine - just brought it all into the other area/new room. The nurse was able to push and maneuver that huge bed all by herself - I'm pretty sure there is a motorized assist, but it was still impressive. (He went from bed 16 to bed 4, right in the very front area of this section - sadly, no windows to the outside, but I'm glad it was an easier move than last time and that he's still close to the extra care if the need arises.)
Because he is getting more nutrition now, his blood sugar did go up, so they gave him a low dose of insulin, keeping an eye on everything. Wish I could say I was as confident in the nursing care as I was in the PCU. Although I didn't care for the nurse yesterday personality-wise, I didn't question she was on top of everything. The new nurse today just doesn't seem to focus on him quite the same way. But I can't say she's neglecting him. And when he hits the call button, someone comes within a few minutes.
I also happened to be here when the in-house Hematology/Oncology team came by. They work with his chemo doc, although they said they hadn't talked to him directly about future care yet. As for "pre-chemo labs" that Biff was scheduled to go in for tomorrow (in anticipation of a treatment on Monday), they will have those labs done here, for monitoring and reference, although he won't be doing another chemo treatment on Monday. They aren't yet sure if they will go ahead with the immuno therapy infusion either. All of that will depend on how he does over the next few days.
They were able to tell me that the PGx test was already done (they didn't say exactly what day, but it was probably on May 30th when Biff first told me they'd spoken to him about it). Those results can take up to two weeks, so there's a good chance a decision about exactly what kind of chemo treatment to try going forward won't be made for a couple of weeks. And, of course, we still need to get him back in fighting form anyway.
So, there's still all kinds of random things. Like his right arm is a little swollen, but they tell him that's okay, likely due to the steroid medication, nothing to worry about (so hard not to worry anyway). But generally, he's on the mend. Still hooked up to tubes every which way, but real progress is being made. He's still kinda ragged, can get a little confused, and his energy is still low. But he's doing much, much better.
Tomorrow, I won't be coming in the hospital until a little later in the afternoon (have my therapy appointment set for 10am tomorrow morning now, and a friend is coming to help me take care of a couple things at the house), so I will miss the Hematology/Oncology rounds in the morning, but they told me I can have the nurse page them to come give me an update. I'll do the same for the managing doctor, too. Get a final update from both before the weekend hits!
Around 5:30pm, his dinner arrived (and, yes, while they are also feeding him via the feeding tube):
Pureed Apple Cobbler - the one his spoon is hovering over in the picture: he ate a couple bites. Said it was not very good (his taste is still wonky, and pureed...?).
Pureed Brussel Sprouts - you couldn't pay him to eat a Brussel Sprout finely cooked and seasoned, let alone that pureed green mush, so no bites of that tried.
Pureed Mashed Potatoes with Mustard - mustard is another of Biff's no-go flavors. Can't stand it! So, no bites of that yellow mush either.
Pureed Chicken with BBQ Sauce - now BBQ chicken is a favorite, but he's avoiding BBQ sauces because of the burn from the spices. He did try a bite of just the chicken, but he said it was terrible. (I couldn't argue the point; I sure didn't want to try it - although he offered to let me eat as much as I wanted.)
So, he drank the bottle of Ensure and a little of the milk. Good thing they are also doing the feeding tube, right?
And one last thing, his new sketch on I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson (on Netflix) is at the end of the 4th episode (although they don't show numbers on them). The name of the episode is "So, Now Every Time I'm About To..." and you'll see "Matching shirts at a school concert." in the episode description. It's a bizarre sketch, as they all are. LOL It's not as amazing as Crashmore, but that one was extra special. So cool that he was asked back. And this time he got to work with Tim Robinson directly! (There is even a raffle of some kind happening tied to this new sketch and the GoFundMe...?!?! "Gotta help a Shirt Brother!" The drawing will be tomorrow at an event in Seattle??? Too much for me to think about otherwise, but how amazing. So much love for my Funny Guy!)
Improvement continues, but it's still a roller coaster...
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