AS OF LAST NIGHT (June 2nd), he is doing pretty well. Still has the feeding tube, but they removed the Foley Catheter and switched back to the Condom Catheter, which requires him to push the urine out - and he is! Avoids need for him to use a urinal or toilet, but he has to "go, when he feels the need," so he exercises that function.
He ate a bit more of his little piles of mush (nothing he hates in this meal) and all of his Ensure. Still got a lot of phlegm, still getting breathing treatments, and suctioning stuff out. And plenty of meds dripping, along with the rinse & spit...
He seemed a bit groggy today but fully coherent.
Oncologist has advised there will be no cancer treatment Monday. He wants Biff to get back in good shape, recovered especially from the mucositis, before another treatment. And they are still waiting for the results from the gene test, which are still a week out.
He'll be staying in the hospital until at least Monday. I've requested guidance on what's available for assistance with home health care in the meantime. And a friend came this morning and helped me with some stuff at home, trying to catch up. I know there was talk of possible physical therapy at some point, and he hasn't walked in over a week now, so he might need to build up some strength for that, along with being fully able to eat and drink and go to the bathroom on his own before discharge... Although it's possible physical therapy was discussed (again, in passing) back when they were still worrying about possible surgery on his head... Even with all my notes, things can feel a little scrambled in my head. They tend to talk fast, and there is so much information, and the days all start to blend, overlap, merge. 😜
Good news is he is doing better today than yesterday. Hope to keep the momentum going in that direction! He's dozing off now. I'll be heading back home shortly - and back again tomorrow! 🌞❤️
AS OF THIS MORNING, I've spoken to him on the phone (I will be heading down for a visit as soon as I can get it together today). He had a rough night. The Condom Catheter came off, and he wet the bed. There was only one guy available to help get him all cleaned up, so it was a minor ordeal. So, yeah, that sucked.
However, the managing doctor has already visited him this morning, and they have removed the Condom Catheter. No more catheters! They want him to use the urinal, standing, instead. Of course, he has to call for assistance, no doing it on his own yet.
They also want him to get up and move around a little today, again, with assistance. And they expect him to call for assistance getting to the toilet when he needs to, well, let's say "move his bowels." There is a toilet in his room, steps from the bed. But the point is, they are starting to try to get him back on his feet, start building his strength back up!
Thursday night, Biff had agreed to do a quick video for a Raffle set up to push the GoFundMe campaign. The last thing before I left for the night, we shot this to send to Danny - who also set up the GoFundMe campaign in the first place (I couldn't get the video to upload directly for some reason, so clicking link before will bring it up in a separate window):
Click here to view Raffle video
It was awe-inspiring to see Biff dig up the energy and focus to do this short video. I know he misses working, even doing Cameos, and I think this gave him a little taste of that back. And Danny was so happy with it, too!
Then Danny emailed this video (in the middle of the night!) showing the audience response (again, clicking the link will bring up the video in a separate window - I'm out of time to try to figure out why I can't get it in here directly right now):
Click here to view Audience response
Wow. Just, wow.
Love to all y'all. I know both Biff and I are definitely feeling all the love coming our way, and we are grateful beyond words. Thank you all so much for helping us remember we are not alone.
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