"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Well, shiiiiiiiittttt...

Some not great news: I tested positive for COVID this morning. Immediately advised Biff, and he immediately advised staff, and they whisked him off to an isolated room in another area of the rehab unit. He has no symptoms, they even went ahead with an abbreviated PT session.

That's him standing! Wearing a mask now when up and about. 

He's been tested, but VA doesn't do the 15-minute tests. They advised if he hasn't heard otherwise by end of day, test was negative. They will test him again in 3 days, and again 2 days after that before considering him officially clear. Of course, I'll share any developments as best I can.

Thankfully, the three people I was with unmasked over the last few days have all tested negative. I had to switch my long-awaited physical for a phone appointment. Paxlovid and other meds to help with my symptoms are being picked up for me by our neighbor.

So, all previous plans are up in the air for now. I am to isolate for 5 days, then if, without meds, my symptoms have improved and fever free for 24 hours, I'll be good to go again.

Just a little tickle in my throat yesterday afternoon and felt like a cold was coming on last night. Took cold medicine to sleep and knock it out. Didn't feel great this morning, but again, more like a cold. But I kept checking my temperature. Kept creeping up. And when it hit 100° I did the test.

After all this time. 🤬

My worst symptoms are the fever and body aches, I plan to sleep once I get the meds. Oh, and a headache is developing. Throat is about the same... Go figure.

Good freaking grief. Although, in a weird way, it's lucky Biff is in the hospital - makes it a lot easier to isolate. But no visits for at least 5 days will be rough. 

I'll keep you posted... 

Love to all! 💞

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