Not that he is out of the weeds, but today was a relatively great day.
They had reduced some sedation before I arrived, and he was more awake. A little at least. Still hooked up to all the machines, etc., but they had removed the drains and most bandages from his head.
After the doctor's visit around 10am, they stopped all sedation, sat him up more, turned on more lights in the room, encouraging him to wake up more. Then they adjusted the ventilator (breathing tube machine), and he immediately started breathing on his own. After about an hour, they removed the tube, allowing him to breathe all by himself.
And he was able to hoarsely speak a couple words and respond to questions and commands more and more. And he was definitely seeing people, responding. I think it was extra helpful that his sisters arrived to spend time with him, too! And a close friend also visited... Hell, he even had two nurses today, instead of just one - it was busy and eventful. Especially after nothing much at all, and only me visiting, the day before.
He continued to improve as the day went along. He said my name, his name, said "I love you, too" and "okay" to several questions, also nodding and shaking his head no. He gave us many thumbs up with his working left hand.
Then another big one: he moved his right arm!! It had been flaccid and useless (if you don't count it being a pin cushion for IVs) since the first surgery, but now it is starting to move on command.
Honestly, it's hard to remember everything. They removed a "central line" from his neck, too. They plan to remove his catheter at midnight (not sure why midnight, but whatever).
Let's see... They will test his swallow function again and, hopefully, remove the feeding tube from his nose tomorrow. AND they want to start PT tomorrow!!
Now, there is a long way to go. At least, that's what they anticipate, although with this tough dude, who knows, you know? But there is still the cancer, of course. And the Oncologist advised that without treatment, things will progress pretty quickly, and they can't treat for the cancer while he's in bad shape from this current situation, so we'll need to figure out what can be coordinated with all of it sooner rather than later.
But at least it doesn't look like he's going to need to relearn how to talk!! In fact, I had just gotten home from the hospital when one of the nurses called. He'd asked her to call me so he could ask me something. In a hoarse whisper (breathing tube does a number on your throat and vocal cords), he said, "Bring me my phone." LOL
That's my guy. I'm not sure how well he'll be able to use it right away, but it is clear he's still there, you know? I wasn't sure he was the last few days. But he is definitely still there!
I'm charging his phone up as I type this, and I'll be bringing it to him first thing in the morning.
Maybe next post, I'll even add a picture. I've been taking them, but it's been too hard to share them. Maybe when we're past the worst of this, if he's okay with it, I'll share some of them. Maybe not. I only consider it because the transformation from one day to the next has been crazy. Good and bad. It's really amazing.
And the beat goes on...👏👏👏👏🫶
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