"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Monday, February 27, 2023

Final radiation session: done and done!

They even gave him the creepy mask to bring home!

Along with this really classy "certificate of completion." LOL

Also, on a completely unrelated note, Everything Everywhere All At Once won all the SAG awards it was nominated for last night, including Best Ensemble Cast - meaning Biff has won his first SAG award!!! Double celebration πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽŠ

Okay, back to the health stuff... Here's a picture with Biff and the team of technicians that handled his radiation treatments - all of them are so nice!!

And, just cause it's amazing, here's a bit of video showing how the machine moves around to hit the mark precisely for his treatment:

When we met with the Radiation Oncologist for the weekly check in last Friday, he said the prognosis looks great. We will see him again on March 29th for a follow-up, one month out. 

In the meantime, Biff will need to continue to use the oral/rinse medications at home to help alleviate the burning in his mouth and combat the potential for fungus developing in his mouth and throat. It turns out that radiation continues to work for a bit after the sessions end, so although some side effects will begin to heal immediately, it will take some time before he's past that impact. Luckily, the doctor believes Biff will recover relatively quickly since he's worked so hard to alleviate the impact of side effects throughout. 

Honestly, getting his taste and appetite back are the main concerns for us. It is so rough, and he's lost a good amount of weight along the way. It's brutal, but he has pushed hard - and he was able to avoid the worst-case scenario side effects (like a feeding tube being inserted into his side...?!?!). 

We'll take all positive thoughts, prayers, wishes - whatever, in support of a quick recovery!

In the meantime, he has a chest scan on Wednesday (part of his regular health care), along with follow ups with the Dietician and Speech/Swallow specialists over the course of the next couple of weeks. Then a follow up with the surgery team on March 16th.

The week of March 27th, he'll have the follow up with Radiation Oncology, an Optometry appointment, and an appointment with Dermatology to check out a mole on his neck, just to be extra careful (he's had a melanoma removed before, several years ago).

We anticipate appointments for more tests and scans over the course of the next few months. Then, the "3-months out" PET scan is scheduled for May 30th, with a follow-up with the Chemotherapy Oncologist already scheduled for June 1st... They need three months of healing from the treatments to happen before the scans and tests will be able to tell them/us exactly where things stand with the cancer itself.

We look forward to refocusing our attention to building strength and exercising instead of all the daily treatment appointments and continuing to do everything possible to encourage healing. 

Not sure how often I'll be posting new updates here over the next few months, but I'll try to post at least once a week. And maybe I'll even finally get around to posting some of the other stories from these difficult weeks on the treatment journey. Of course, we also hope to be able to start getting back to life, maybe take a trip (after a few weeks at least), etc. 

Onward and onward!!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Original radiation schedule ended today...


Not sure you'll be able to see in the video, but we are getting hail right now?!?

We actually didn't hit much rain on the commute to treatment today, even some sunny skies, although we'd had rain at home earlier. Stormy skies are back now...

Treatment went fine - today was the last of the original schedule. Only the two extra sessions left to go! 

Unfortunately, he only weighed in at 168.3 lbs. But he didn't eat too much at all yesterday. Just a little broth when we got back from the screening. And he refused to even try to force down some oatmeal before we went to treatment, so... 

He's sucked down a V8 and an Ensure since we got back, and we'll pick up a breakfast platter or a Teriyaki Chicken Bowl from Jack in the Box on the way home from another doctor appointment this afternoon (one of his regular health appointments - he's pretty sure it's for the shaky hands, which haven't been that bad lately - go figure). I know Jack's food doesn't sound too healthy but those are the only things he thinks he can make himself eat for lunch today, so... Right now, calories are good, however he manages to get them down.

The screening was for the movie with Jake Johnson called Self-Reliance. The screening ended up being at 7pm last night (instead of 10am, as originally planned). Movie is very quirky, very funny. Had a really nice time. I got to meet Jake and Anna Kendrick (who is also in it), along with a producer, the DP, and a few other behind-the-camera folks. Very comfortable small screening room - we were even able to sit in recliners! I laughed a lot. Felt really good. Biff is hilarious and in quite a bit of it!e

We were ready to get out of there quickly after though. Biff is often asleep by 9:30am (though he wakes up later usual, at random times off and on - he's never been a great sleeper, but he needs it now more than ever), so he was pretty worn out by the time we got home. Honestly, so was I. I don't sleep too well myself these days.

Regardless, it was a really nice break. Sadly, he got a little depressed during the night. Got to worrying that he'll never get back to that character he's been developing for decades. I pointed out that he'll still be a funny guy and figure out how to adjust. Think he's particularly worried about not being able to grow his beard back fully. πŸ™„πŸ˜‹

Just gonna keep on keeping on... This is a long road but we are heading toward a good bend. I can't wait to see him enjoying his food again. 


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Rough weekend, long day...

Well, the extra 2-hour magnesium drip today ended up being followed by a looooong drive home in traffic - and we hadn't eaten lunch. I was starving!

Sadly, he still has no appetite and has had horrible issues with everything, even water sometimes, burning his mouth and throat, making eating super hard. And continuing problems with the weird foam that is apparently coming from his saliva glands. So gross, and one more issue that makes it hard for him to eat. 

So, the long weekend was rough, but we got through it. 

We ran into the Radiation Oncologist on our way out of the main building after the magnesium drip. He checked the skin on Biff's neck at the radiation target site right there in the hall (currently using burn cream and Aquiphor ointment on his neck, with a non-stick bandage to cover it). I brought up the burning mouth issue, and he ordered a stronger oral rinse, which he hopes will help ease the burn... Biff was able to pick that up just now at the pharmacy that's close to home, so fingers crossed. It's got nasty potential side effects, so we'll be really careful with it. 

But he's gotta eat. It was so hard emotionally for both of us these last few days. We discovered this morning that Ensure is currently easier for him at room temperature. Good to know!

But, hey, all the treatments will be over after next Monday: let the healing recovery begin in earnest!

This last week may be tough though.


Friday, February 17, 2023

Great end of a rough week...

End of the week!!!

Long weekend ahead!!


Doc confirmed he's only adding 2 treatments, so the last one will be February 27. This is the Radiation Oncologist with Biff. First time we saw his full face (they took off masks only for the pic). 

Per the doc: "Looking really good!"

He also said that he thinks Biff will recover relatively quickly, possibly within a couple of months (he originally told us it can take up to 6 months) because of how well he's doing - credited both of us for working so hard to do everything they have asked to help mitigate side effects.

We started out pretty low this week, but things have improved all around here at the end of it. Biff's weight even held mostly even, which surprised me considering the struggle eating has been for him. A testament to how hard he tries to force down food in spite of how hard it is for him.

We'll continue to see this doctor for regular check ups, possibly for years. Which is comforting: he's been great and has helped us feel confidence in the treatment. After I'd asked if what was showing on his computer screen was his schedule ("Yes, well, the official stuff that gets put in the calendar..."), I snuck a pic:

I wasn't trying to get the detail. Just marveling at the density. That is a very full schedule. Yeesh! And yet, he never makes us feel rushed. Always takes however much time we want - we're always the ones to decide we're done (asking him if there's anything else before we go). And, he responds to email so quickly, it blows my mind. One of the first things he did was give us his direct email, letting us know that was the fastest way to reach him, even better than calling...

I hope to add a few stories here over the weekend, things I haven't had time to add yet. But, we'll see. Mainly determined for us to allow ourselves to relax some. The underlying anxiety ftom this whole thing takes a toll.

Also, just because I'm proud that we managed to also get this done this week: our yard service folks are back at work (the head guy was very ill and in the hospital himself for a few days, so things were on hold the last couple of weeks). And, we've added a deal for a list of "handyman" projects, including painting the front of the house, replacing the back gate, replacing the garage door springs, replacing the backdoor to the garage, and replacing a section of rain gutter... So glad he's better, and they are back! They even hosed off our car and wiped down the windows, just to be nice. πŸ₯²

Wishing everyone a great holiday weekend! XOXO ♥️

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Last Long Wednesday!


Chemo is done!!! Although he has to go back next Tuesday for another 2-hour magnesium drip... 

He also got asked to attend a screening of Self-Reliance (the Jake Johnson movie he shot last year) next Wednesday (10am, only a few people), so he's pretty excited about that!

Tomorrow he has a CT scan after radiation in preparation for the additional radiation sessions. Still waiting for that schedule, but it will take us into March.

Onward and onward!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Rougher days...

Well, we ended last week with a long day - but on a high note. Doc was pleased that Biff's weight seemed to be stabilizing. 

He also advised that he intends to add 10 more radiation sessions and booked a scan for next week to adjust for those. He says the radiation will be even more narrowly focused, which means he will start to recover from some side effects, particularly the loss of taste, even as those 10 additional treatments proceed. He also adjusted the amount of antifungal needed, which made Biff very happy: 3 times a day instead of 4 and only a 10-minute wait instead of 30 minutes.

He also showed us some of the pictures they take each session when preparing the aim of the zap, and showed us that the tumor in that lymph node is definitely getting smaller!

And, the team who gets him all set up for radiation discovered he is Detective Crashmore on ITYSL - 2 of them are fans of the show and got really excited. πŸ₯²πŸ˜Š

The extra magnesium drip session was easy - he slept through at least half of it. While I managed to get mileage reimbursement figured out for all these 30-mile round trips (had to use the help line, but they were great and I actually got the ball rolling and got us all caught up over the weekend).

Sorry for the delay in updating this blog. Everything is just more complicated and time gets away from me. And I decided to take a "day off" for Super Bowl Sunday, which I kinda regret now, but oh well.

Yesterday I was hit with a bit of a Fibromyalgia episode, but I feel somewhat better today. Biff is doing okay. Struggling with sore throat pain more, which makes eating (more?!?) difficult, but he's trying hard to eat as much as he can. 

The nurses at radiation today reminded Biff to use the pain cocktail before he eats to help with the sore throat pain, and it did seem to help him eat more of his lunch today.

We discovered over the weekend that doing a shorter wait time after taking the Antifungal causes this gross foam to develop in his mouth and throat, making eating all but impossible, so we have gone back to the 30-minute wait but only doing it 3 times a day. Which provides at least a little relief.

Tomorrow is the last day for chemo, although we anticipate that they'll want to do the added magnesium again, including a possible second appointment for that, too. 

Not the easiest days recently but nothing really dramatic. Just getting a little harder, which is expected. Fingers crossed it doesn't get too much harder. Regardless, we're determined to work hard to get thru it all with a good outcome.

Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Today he is SO grumpy...

I've gotten behind again. I was hoping to do a longer, deeper post today, but I don't think it's going to happen. Soon! (I'll admit I fell into a depressed, bad mood of my own last Friday and decided not to post when I felt so negative. Since then moods have gone up and down for both of us, and then, well, busy-ness of life overwhelmed.)

His magnesium was low again, so another added 2-hour drip for today, plus we'll have to come back in Friday for another 2-hour drip. I think Biff thought the push to get more magnesium-rich foods into him, along with more calories in general, would miraculously solve the problem. Not sure he has a realistic sense of how little he is really eating these days. Even though he is making himself eat more than he was before the doctors pushed on the weight and magnesium.

Certainly, I can understand his frustration. Yesterday he weighed in at 177.6 lbs. That's 10 lbs. down since January 15th. 

Truth is, we are heading into the hardest part of the "known" treatment. It will likely be rough, but we can manage it. May have a little more of the lows relative to the highs, but he's a tough old dog. And he's determined. Not to mention stubborn!

I know part of his mood today is just the fact of having to slog through the long day. And part of it is he doesn't like the nurse. She has a heavy accent and speaks too quickly for him to understand easily. And, well, she doesn't really listen to him. Insisted he take a bed, even though both of us insisted he'd rather be in the recliner. He told me when he asked for more water, he asked for no ice, just water. She brought back a bucket of ice and filled his pitcher. When he reminded her he just wanted water, she said to suck on the straw, there was water in there... So, sadly, not a good match for him. He tries to be friendly and easy on the caregivers, but when they refuse to hear him (me included), it pisses him off. And when he doesn't feel well to begin with, his mood has little chance of brightening up until he can get out of the situation driving him nuts.

Yesterday, he was energetic enough to take care of a couple chores on his own. Today, I wish he could just go to sleep. Worry that he's winding himself up. Poor guy. 

Just a few more hours, then we'll get him home and relaxing.

We have a busy day tomorrow. Hoping the magnesium and hydration from today will give him the same kind of boost he got last week. Family visiting from out of town, so I'm hoping for a pleasant visit in the afternoon, after 2 doctor appointments and radiation!

Only one more full chemo session after this one. Then we just need to get through the rest of radiation, which will hopefully wrap up by the end of the month!

After that, onward to recovery and off around the next bend in the road of this strange journey.

Wishing everyone love, light, and good health. XOXO 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

He's a Chatty Cathy today...

(Have to admit, I'm assuming everyone who might be reading this blog will know the reference to "Chatty Cathy"... If not, learn more by clicking here.

Here's Biff drinking a magnesium rich smoothie, including some spinach, cashews, avocado, black beans, strawberries, banana, Ensure, and a splash from another nutrition drink called Soylent!?! Oh, and some dark chocolate and a mini Snickers bar he found in a pocket recently. Doesn't that sound delicious?!? 🫣🫒🫑 (Love the crazy hair!)

Radiation was quick and easy today. I think the extra fluids and the magnesium boost during chemo yesterday did Biff a world of good. He slept well all night without even taking his heavy duty sleep meds and woke up very chipper. Or perhaps I should say chatty? LOTS of talking and then singing again in the car (which also counts as his vocal exercises for the day). And he didn't feel the need to use the cane to walk in for treatment! Yesterday he felt too wobbly and wanted the extra help for his balance.

We went to get fish for lunch, but they were crowded and had a long line. So we went to The Habit. He had a portobello mushroom burger and ate all the mushrooms, some of the burger and bun, and a few of the sweet potato fries. He believes he is starting to taste things again, but his appetite is still small - he gets to a point where he just can't force anymore down. But he is able to do small snacks in between. Even drank a whole glass of strawberry lemonade, which he said tasted really good! 

We're going to work hard on keeping the magnesium levels up. All in all, a good day so far. He's up at the close pharmacy now getting more of the antifungal medication (a rinse for his mouth he has to do 4 times a day) since the refill we ordered on Saturday still hasn't arrived in the mail. Definitely want to avoid any fungus in his mouth or throat!! 

We'll see the doc for check in tomorrow after radiation. And then he gets the weekend off! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Turned out to be an Extra Long Wednesday today...

But home again, unpacked, and got Biff started catching up all the daily stuff he couldn't do earlier today. We're both exhausted, but nothing too dramatic to report. 

Yep, on Wednesdays, he has not only radiation but chemo as well. We left when the sun was rising, and we returned when the sun was setting. His magnesium was low again, so they added a 2 hour drip to the usual... 

And Biff had had a restless night. What he now calls the Night Wanders. No accidents or scary incidents, but neither of us got much sleep.

Found out we only have 2 more chemo sessions left, instead of 3, which is cool. Plenty of radiation still to come, but at least those are quick sessions. 

Biff was singing along to the Mamas & Papas all the way home in the rush hour traffic (caught it both directions πŸ€ͺ)! 

Expecting a peaceful night of sleep! By gum!!! 😘🫢

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