"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Rough weekend, long day...

Well, the extra 2-hour magnesium drip today ended up being followed by a looooong drive home in traffic - and we hadn't eaten lunch. I was starving!

Sadly, he still has no appetite and has had horrible issues with everything, even water sometimes, burning his mouth and throat, making eating super hard. And continuing problems with the weird foam that is apparently coming from his saliva glands. So gross, and one more issue that makes it hard for him to eat. 

So, the long weekend was rough, but we got through it. 

We ran into the Radiation Oncologist on our way out of the main building after the magnesium drip. He checked the skin on Biff's neck at the radiation target site right there in the hall (currently using burn cream and Aquiphor ointment on his neck, with a non-stick bandage to cover it). I brought up the burning mouth issue, and he ordered a stronger oral rinse, which he hopes will help ease the burn... Biff was able to pick that up just now at the pharmacy that's close to home, so fingers crossed. It's got nasty potential side effects, so we'll be really careful with it. 

But he's gotta eat. It was so hard emotionally for both of us these last few days. We discovered this morning that Ensure is currently easier for him at room temperature. Good to know!

But, hey, all the treatments will be over after next Monday: let the healing recovery begin in earnest!

This last week may be tough though.


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