"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Friday, January 19, 2024

Getting back in the saddle...

A quick update - I'm super busy these days, so it's harder to manage a more detailed post.

We spoke to the Oncologist late yesterday afternoon. Biff is going to resume Immuno infusion treatment for the cancer next week Wednesday (January 24). He's doing well with his recovery, and we all decided he's ready to get back on that horse.

Now we need to keep our fingers crossed that he doesn't have to deal with much in terms of side effects. The dosage will be the same as he received before - but there won't be any chemo, nor the extra meds that go along with that (anti-nausea, etc.). As the doc put it before, however, there is "low risk, not no risk." At least, the infusion sessions will be much shorter!

And, we also will keep our fingers crossed that this treatment manages his cancer well. We won't know about that until after three infusions - which will be every 3 weeks, so we'll know more on this point mid March.

In the meantime, he's doing well with his PT (he even went to the grocery store with me today), his appetite is getting better (slowly) - and he gained a couple pounds!

Happy trails for 2024!

Following are a few random recent pics with friends, etc.

With Cam and Connor!

With Francesca!

Another with Cam and Connor (Hollywood sign in the distant background - Connor was visiting from back East for a few days)!

Pics from the Red Carpet Premiere Party for
Self Reliance - at the bar, 
La Cita, they used in the film!
Party was hosted by Neon and Hulu.
Self Reliance was #1 on Hulu for two weeks!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

A New Year update for 2024...

It was a pretty chaotic holiday season. My apologies for not updating this blog sooner. I hope everyone had a great holiday season and festive New Year celebrations!

We had the joy of bringing Biff home on December 30th, so our New Year's celebration was a good one, albeit quiet and simple. Biff continues to get better and better every day. 

We've already seen his Oncologist. To give him a little more time to recover, cancer treatment is waiting another couple of weeks, but we expect to resume immunotherapy soon. No chemo planned for now.

In the meantime, we have home health care and physical therapy on the schedule and already happening. He's eating better, his sense of taste returning, but we still need to work on his appetite, put a little meat back on those bones!

His recover has been truly remarkable. He did a virtual press junket with Jake Johnson yesterday morning... Tonight, we are attending a Hulu premiere party for Self Reliance, which drops on Hulu on Friday, January 12th. They are sending a car! We're not sure how long we'll be staying, but it is exciting that Biff will get to have a "red carpet" moment for this wonderful film. We were able to go see it on the Big Screen on January 3rd (a one night only event), and it's a blast. And Biff is great!

In the meantime, I'd prepared a video to show at an annual holiday party Biff had to miss this year, and I've ended up expanding it into a small tribute to his resilience during this intense and difficult time in his life. I will be posting it on social media, but here it is if you want to check it out. It's just under 10 minutes long, so you have been warned. (Apparently, I really don't know how to be brief - LOL.)

Wishing everyone the best, and I'll be updating again soon.

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Yep, this is going to be a rough time, and it's scary, but we are both committed to doing everything we can to beat this thing. We will ...