"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Friday, August 18, 2023

Stealth chemo grenade has been detached...

Pump removal was so fast today, Biff was already done by the time I had parked and walked to the building, signed in, and made it to the Infusion Center!

He's feeling a lot of fatigue this time around and generally a little yucky. Chose not to do the walk this morning, but was sturdy walking with only his cane in and out of V.A. (although I dropped him off and picked him up at front rather than have him walk from/to parking lot). But he had a hearty lunch of breakfast food, which pleased me. He wasn't too interested in eating last night.

Mouth is doing pretty well so far. A little goopy, but so far, so good.

Tomorrow we head down to Bell Gardens to meet a potential furry pal...!!!! Otherwise, we're prepared to hunker down for whatever Hurricane Hilary sends our way the rest of the weekend!


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