"Tough times don't last, tough people do."

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Treatment will start next week...

So, it turns out, we will be proceeding with radiation/chemo as planned, no further surgery. 

Call came in from the doctor with the update from their team meeting about 9:30am. 

They basically all agree that the source tumor was in the right tonsil, one of several they removed. However, the surgeon has concerns regarding results from the base-of-tongue biopsy, and they will be reviewing those slides again. Which may impact final target for radiation. 

Regardless, treatment will start next week. Radiation/chemo is needed to make sure they get it all. 

We'll be going in for official surgery follow up on Friday, then treatment starts on Tuesday.

In the meantime, he can eat "easy to chew" foods. And he has swallow exercises to do 3 times a day from yesterday's appointments.

His throat still gets sore, and he does take pain meds at those times. We still have seen no evidence of bleeding and no fever has developed. The follow up on Friday will confirm he is recovered enough from surgery to proceed to the treatment, although everyone expects that.

He sleeps on and off all day, and, frustratingly, on and off all night. Basically, a form of sleep walking, which he's had issues with before.

The last couple of nights have been rough. I believe due to him taking a new CBD supplement along with his nighttime meds. Appears to not be a good mix.

Last night, he apparently grabbed the bottle of chocolate sauce from the fridge thinking it was a bottle of Ensure, screwed off the lid...

Then, apparently, fell asleep and spilled it all over himself. I woke up hearing him in his bathroom. I got up when I saw him changing clothes. He'd put on a red t-shirt and a necktie, blue and red striped, knotted at the neck.

When I asked about the tie, he laughed and said he'd put it on for fun, had found it on the floor?!?

He was holding a pair of clean jeans. I asked if he was planning to put those on, and he said, "What am I supposed to be doing now?" Annoyed that I was nagging him, I guess.

I said he was supposed to be asleep, it was 3am!

He explained he'd spilled his Ensure and pointed out the brown smears on his legs. 

Looked pretty nasty but did not smell, so I believed it was Ensure. He nods off and spills on himself fairly often lately, especially at night. I do my best to stop that from happening during the day.

Washed his legs off, and the smears on his bed. Then I headed out to his recliner where he does most of his sleeping these days. The kitchen was a bit of a mess on the way - not sure what happened there. Several cutting boards and serving spoons scattered about. 

His blanket was a pile on the floor in front of his chair with brown gunk splattered on it. Found the chocolate sauce bottle, open, in a puddle of sauce on the floor under that. Luckily, it hadn't been stepped in. Found the screw top on his side table.

Cleaned up the floor. Cleaned up the chair - the initial spill went down the crack on one side to another mess on the floor... Biff tried his best to help.

Covered the chair with beach towels, using another as a replacement for his blanket. He wanted the TV on, so set that on ESPN, volume low, and left him asleep, almost instantly, in front of it.

I couldn't sleep again right away (I'll confess, I was pretty upset - he's fallen in these weird fugue states before, and I'm terrified he'll hurt himself), so I sat up reading in my room. 

Not 15 minutes later, I hear him in the kitchen again. Got up, and found him heading back to his recliner, empty-handed. Not sure what he was doing in the kitchen. Asked if he needed water or anything. He grabbed his handy water bottle, opened it and drank, so I headed back to bed again.

A few minutes later, he came back to his room again, carrying his t-shirt. He'd spilled the water...

He ended up putting on his big robe and climbed into bed and started snoring. 

I finally turned off my light and got back to sleep. When my alarm went off at 8am, he came out of his room, and asked how I was doing. I explained what had happened (he had a vague recollection of some of it), and I told him he's not getting the CBD stuff at night any more.

I found evidence that he'd gotten up even after all that and tried to make himself some oatmeal. Freaks me out that I didn't hear that.

Makes me want to put him in a diaper and tie him down at night. I have confidence we can stop this excessive nighttime activity by not doing the CBD with his night medications. Although I imagine some of it is stress, too. Fingers crossed we get this shit under control fast. 

Guess I'm going to try to get to the laundromat today. Gotta get the washer at home replaced. So exhausted. Already. Yeesh.

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